BuildingSync® is a standardized language for commercial building energy audit data that software developers can use to exchange data between audit tools. Taking the form of an XML schema BuildingSync can be implemented by building owners and audit program managers to allow data analysis and aggregation across multiple buildings in order to evaluate program performance and analyze trends.
Integrating BuildingSync into your application generally follows a four step process to ensure compliance and maximize interoperability. This process will inform the life-cycle of your implementation.
Select or develop a use case for your specific application and data exchange needs.
Identify data fields in your application that are required for your use case and map them to data elements in the schema.
Build your XML file based on the data mappings via your application for your use case.
Ensure your BuildingSync XML file is verifiable and complete while uncovering alternative use cases you may satisfy.
A BuildingSync use case is a workflow within which BuildingSync is leveraged for data exchange in platform(s). Depending on the connected platform(s), various users can collect, report, process, and analyze audit data through BuildingSync to meet their specific objectives. BuildingSync considers the needs and interests of a wide range of users in the energy audit industry, including building owners, auditors, software developers, utilities and program managers. It is important to note that a single BuildingSync file can satisfy multiple use cases if the requirements are met. Typical BuildingSync use cases include:
To understand which of your application data can be expressed in a BuildingSync-compliant file, adopters can interface with the BuildingSync Schema in a number of use case-specific ways. There are three main parts to the Schema that when used in tandem, produce a complete model (see table below). Additionally, each release of the schema includes several supporting documents: the Schema, a Data Dictionary, List of Measures, and Full Documentation.
Creating a BuildingSync XML file can be as simple as opening your favorite text editor and manually building up nested elements. However, to make this process easier, we have a set of resources to assist you during the schema adoption process.
There are a number of technologies supported for the development of XML files. If you are unsure about where to start, we suggest the native XML python module or the lxml python package.
BuildingSync uses Schematron as the assertion engine for validating against specific use cases. Each use case is paired with a Schematron file defining its requirements. Below are the use case and Schematron resources.